On 2 Feet Podiatry Blog

Podiatrist, Foot & Ankle Pain Specialist in Orange City & Lake Mary, FL

foot health care On 2 Feet foot health care On 2 Feet

The Importance of Foot Care

Your feet are one of the most important parts of your body. They carry you around all day long, and they support your weight. But they can also be susceptible to a variety of problems, from minor aches and pains to more serious injuries. That’s why it’s important to take care of your feet.

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laser therapy On 2 Feet laser therapy On 2 Feet

Advantages of Photobiomodulation

Photobiomodulation, also known as low-level laser therapy, is a promising treatment option for various podiatric conditions. This non-invasive therapy involves the use of low-level laser or light-emitting diodes to stimulate cellular activity and promote healing.

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On 2 Feet On 2 Feet

Types of Foot Stretches

Many people find it beneficial to practice daily foot stretches. Injuries may be prevented when the feet are flexible, and everyday activities may be easier to accomplish. An effective stretch is referred to as the towel stretch

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pediatric podiatry On 2 Feet pediatric podiatry On 2 Feet

Children and Blisters

If you notice an area of skin on your child’s foot in the shape of what appears to be a small bubble, you are most likely looking at a blister. They are typically caused by excess friction that is placed on that portion of the skin, and this generally originates from wearing shoes or socks that are too tight. There may be additional reasons why blisters might occur, which may include allergic reactions, extreme burns, or insect bites.

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foot pain On 2 Feet foot pain On 2 Feet

Unknown foot pain causing you to suffer?

Are you suffering from inexplicable foot pain?

A study  has found that insulin resistance could be a case of your achy feet! . What exactly is insulin resistance?  We in the medical community use the term insulin resistance to explain why the body does not respond properly to the insulin it makes. Eventually, this will send your blood sugar high, cause you and your doctor unwanted stress.

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foot skin conditions On 2 Feet foot skin conditions On 2 Feet

What Is Plantar Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for a condition that causes excessive sweating all over the body. Plantar hyperhidrosis is a form of this condition that specifically affects the feet. This ailment usually begins in childhood or adolescence, and in severe cases can cause some physical limitations.

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On 2 Feet On 2 Feet

The Importance of Choosing the Best Surface to Run on

Many runners realize the pain and disappointment that is experienced if an injury should occur, which may inhibit the joy and ease of this sport or hobby. Research has shown that most injuries happen when the runner trains too intensely. Additionally, proper stretching techniques and warm-ups are beneficial to perform before each run, and this will loosen the muscles in the feet to ensure safe running.

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On 2 Feet On 2 Feet

Foot Pain May Affect Proper Balance

When our feet feel good, maintaining daily activities may be accomplished with ease. This is also true for the elder population, and additional care may be needed to achieve this. Pain in the feet may affect balance and this may possibly lead to injuries, which may be a result of falling.

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On 2 Feet On 2 Feet

Different Types of Heel Spurs

If you wear high heels consistently, your feet may develop a possible heel spur. It is typically a calcium deposit and is commonly felt in the heel and surrounding areas. The pain and discomfort that is typically associated with this ailment is generally not experienced unless it grows in size and becomes large.

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