Laser Pain Therapy

Podiatrist in Orange City & Lake Mary, FL

Orange City and Lake Mary FL Laser Therapy - Advanced Foot Injury & Foot Pain Recovery

Laser Therapy - Advanced Injury & Pain Recovery

Those suffering from foot and ankle pain, scarring, wounds, and damaged nerves may benefit from an alternative treatment method known as Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT).

What is Low Level Laser Therapy?

LLLT works by stimulating the body’s mitochondria to produce higher amounts of adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP), a chemical that runs the body and heals tissue. When LLLT creates more ATP in the body, tissues heal faster and therefore promote faster relief overall.

What conditions does Laser Therapy treat:

The number of treatment sessions required would depend on the condition and its severity. Various areas of issue may be treated.

Questions? Learn More About Laser Therapy. Contact Orange CIty and Lake Mary top Podiatrist and Laser Pain Therapy Specialist, Dr. Jefferson Mennuti, and start moving again pain-free.

Laser Therapy For Foot and Ankle Pain

Understanding Laser Therapy

Laws of Photochemistry:

  1. The first law of photochemistry, known as the Grotthuss-Draper law (for chemists Theodor Grotthuss and John W. Draper), states that light must be absorbed by a chemical substance in order for a photochemical reaction to take place.

  2. The second law of photochemistry, the Stark-Einstein law, states that for each photon of light absorbed by a chemical system, only one molecule is activated for a photochemical reaction. This is also known as the photoequivalence law and was derived by Albert Einstein at the time when the quantum (photon) theory of light was being developed.

True LASER Requirements:

  1. Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation

  2. Monochromatic

  3. Coherent

In the Visible light spectrum

Components of a Laser:

Wavelength: Energy and color, measured in nanometers (nm)

  • Higher the wavelength, the lower the energy. The lower the wavelength, the higher the energy.

  • Power: measured in Watts (W) or milliwatts (mW)

Frequency: Pulse - measured in Hertz (Hz) per second. The different tissues in our bodies operate and respond at different frequencies